IFR was incredibly pleased to report that we received a two-year grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative in November 2021. This $1 million gift represents the largest grant in IFR’s history, and will be support IFR’s racial equity work, pay equity for frontline and clinical staff, document and expand IFR’s unique Calmecac training, and begin development of our history project, among other priorities.
“We recognize how fortunate IFR is,” IFR Executive Director offered. “The past two years wreaked havoc on our communities. IFR staff and board worked incredibly hard to stay open, provide services in whatever format we could. This gift will help us fill in those program and training gaps that opened during the pandemic.”
The board and staff of IFR thank the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative for recognizing our work. We will honor this gift by continuing to promote the health and wellness of the Chicanx/Latinx/ Indígenx community by providing quality culturally grounded programs, services and interventions.
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