17 Febrero, 2021

Standing with the Asian Community

IFR stands with the Asian-American/Pacific Islander community in light of the revolting racism and attacks against them in the last few weeks. As white nationalist groups have grown, it has become more acceptable for people to openly express bigoted slurs, xenophobia and violence, even against other communities of color. This is self-defeating. We know better.

In the Latinx community, we know how easy it is to scapegoat our communities for the most illogical of reasons. We also know this country is experiencing a lot of confusion, destruction, divisiveness, and anger these days. Unemployment, health concerns, and constant uncertainty of what the future holds can result in increased stress, frustration, and anxiety. Nevertheless, expressions of hate and violence are never acceptable solutions.

As communities of color, history has shown us that a war on one of us is a war on all of us. We give racism oxygen when we allow it to breathe with stereotypes, racial slurs and violent attacks. And we all lose when succumb to divide-and-conquer strategies. We heartily believe these acts represent the views of a small few. That’s why we were glad to see increased expressions of solidarity among Black and Asian communities. We proudly stand with you.


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