25 Enero, 2021

Lluvia Hernandez - IFR staff

I wouldn't have imagined all the work I'd be able to do...

Lluvia Hernandez, Executive Assistant


As I celebrate one year at IFR, I have taken some time to reflect and be thankful for all I've
learned and grown during this period. Instituto Familiar de La Raza is an agency that has a passion
for its mission and vision. A year ago, I wouldn't have imagined all the work I'd be able to do and be
part of in a short period of time and during a crisis. I was a college graduate looking for employment
in the Bay Area with no idea where to start. That was when I looked into openings at IFR and decided to apply to the Program Assistant position with Roadmap to Peace. Five months into this position, the pandemic hit, and we all had to switch our scope of work and move to virtual platforms. While I continued to do my tasks with RTP, I also became involved with the 701 Alabama Service Hub and the IFR Emergency Workgroup with Berta.

My involvement with the Hub and the IFR workgroup challenged me to become a better leader and a voice for our Latinx community. Through my involvement, I've been able to provide food and economic relief to some of San Francisco's most impacted Latinx families. These experiences and challenges have shaped me and my crisis management skills for the future. As my first year at IFR closes, a new one begins with my promotion to the Executive Assistant at IFR. I cannot be more thankful for these opportunities in a time of worldwide crisis. Instituto Familiar de la Raza is a one of a kind work environment that I love and cherish.

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